Every year, Orygen welcomes hundreds of young people through our doors to be treated for a range of mental health difficulties. Featuring interviews with young people living with mental ill-health, their families and the people behind the scenes working hard to revolutionise care and treatment, these are their stories...



Around 15% of young Australians aged 16-24 experience an anxiety disorder each year. Feeling more than everyday stress or nervousness, a person with an anxiety disorder experiences excessive fear or worry - to the extent that it interferes with their ability to function in their day-to-day lives. 

There is no single cause for anxiety, but things such as a person's family history, personality traits, and stressful or traumatic events (for example, bullying or the death of someone close) can contribute to a person's likelihood of developing anxiety.
The important thing to know is that anxiety is treatable. With the right treatment, young people learn to manage anxiety so that it has less of an effect on their life and they can get back to doing the things they enjoy.


"I started getting affected by anxiety when I was about 12. I couldn't engage socially and I just felt awful all the time."


Since 1992, the team at Orygen has been working hard to raise critical funds to ensure young people are supported through their mental health journey. With continued support from our amazing community we can not only help to save lives, but transform them.