This Christmas, you can
be the light for young
people like Louisa...

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  • Julianne Rodilosso (Hallinan) just donated $210
  • Sonya just donated $21
  • Mark just donated $105
  • TINA & TERESA just donated $105
  • Yupin just donated $52.50
  • Jess just donated $36.75
  • Justine Brogna just donated $52.50
  • Marianne just donated $35
  • Steven just donated $35
  • Thuy just donated $70
  • Vanessa just donated $31.50
  • Maree just donated $105
  • George just donated $52.50
  • Adam just donated $36.75
  • John just donated $52.50
  • Ciltra just donated $157.50
  • Joe and Carmen just donated $100
  • Leanne just donated $35
  • Helen just donated $52.50
  • Pina just donated $100

This Christmas, we’re asking the Orygen community to come together and help us raise a life changing $55,000 for young people living with mental ill-health

By making a powerful donation today, you’re not only supporting mothers like Amanda, but you’re supporting Orygen’s ability to help young people like her daughter Louisa.

For years, Amanda frantically tried to get her daughter the right medical support - but the health care system failed her time and time again. It took far too long for Louisa to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. And Amanda came far too close to losing one of the most precious things in her life... her child.

“If a young person doesn’t get help early, their life can be completely derailed,” says Amanda. “If it weren’t for Orygen, I could have lost my daughter." 

Schizophrenia is a serious mental health condition with 20% of people dying earlier than the general public because of their health.

When Louisa began hearing voices, and those voices were encouraging her to end her own life, Amanda was out of her mind with worry. Desperate to get her daughter the right care, she reached out to Orygen and thankfully, we were able to help.

It’s heartbreaking to say, but there are many families who haven’t been so lucky. Who haven’t been able to get the right care in time, and whose hearts will be aching for a lost loved one this Christmas.

With early diagnosis and treatment, young people like Louisa living with mental ill-health can lead fully, happy and productive lives. It’s possible, but we need your help to make it happen.

This Christmas, will you consider making one of the most important gifts you could ever make? Your generosity will be a light in the darkness, helping to provide the vital care young people need.

“Through Orygen’s kindness, support and information, l learnt what it was my daughter had and needed. Today she’s doing very well - she is the best she’s ever been,” says Amanda.

Please give a powerful donation today and help us reach our life-changing goal of $55,000. Your special gift can help ensure families like Amanda's, can experience the joy of Christmas – together, and whole.

Orygen is a youth mental health organisation with expertise in research, policy, education and innovations in care. Since 1984, Orygen has been working side-by-side with young people to reduce the impact that mental ill-health has on young people, their families and society.