"Tom had gone from studying medicine at a prestigious university, to losing his licence, to eventually not being able to keep down a job as a plumber."

Dr Aswin Ratheesh is a consultant psychiatrist with clinical, research and academic roles at Orygen. He is passionate about improving treatment for young people living with bipolar disorder, which is why a few years ago he launched Orygen's first Bipolar Early Intervention Clinic. We sat down with him to hear about why bipolar research is such a critical area of need for young people with this disorder, and here's what he had to say.
About five or six years ago, a young man named Tom came to Orygen at age 21. All he wanted to do was work, have a family, and get on with his life.
But by the time Tom came to us, he’d had three or four severe bipolar episodes.
He had his first episode when he was just 17 or 18, and it was mild. He went to his GP, who waited for him to have a severe psychotic episode before she referred him to our care at Orygen.
By this point, Tom had gone from studying medicine at a prestigious university, to losing his licence, to eventually not being able to keep down a job as a plumber; all from problems directly related to his bipolar episodes.
So much of what these young people experience is beyond their control. Without early intervention, they can end up damaging relationships, their education and career.
A few years ago, thanks to the wonderful support of generous donors, we were able to open Orygen’s Bipolar Early Intervention Clinic. It’s been amazing to see more and more young people with bipolar coming forward to get help.
Through Orygen’s Bipolar Early Intervention Clinic we’re able to help young people understand their condition and offer high-quality treatments. They’re able to better manage their bipolar episodes, and confidently lead full and productive lives.
It’s making a huge difference in the lives of these young people, and their families.
With continued support, our next step will be to expand this service into about as many headspace centres around the country as possible, and provide better access to crucial mental health care for more young people with bipolar.
Since 1992, the team at Orygen has been working hard to raise critical funds to ensure young people are supported through their mental health journey. With continued support from our amazing community we can not only help to save lives, but transform them.