Your fundraising is making an impact

Samuel's story

I joined the IPS (Individual Placement and Support) program because I was finding it difficult to receive replies for job applications. The IPS program has been extremely beneficial in finding and securing positions that I am interested in. With overwhelmingly positive encouragement and advice from my IPS worker, Sarah, together we’ve been able to secure four separate job  interviews and I’ve been offered four jobs. 

While it was amazing to receive four job offers,  I also found it quite overwhelming when deciding  which ones were the perfect fit for me. However,  Sarah gave great advice on how to analyse the  benefits of each job and helped me to work out  what job was best for me in the long run. I am very grateful for the advice and guidance given by Sarah and for how organised the IPS program is.

Orygen has been successfully operating the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) program at headspace Sunshine since 2018. IPS is a free employment and education support program co-located with mental health services. IPS provides individualised career, employment and educational support alongside the support received from a mental health team

In 2021 you helped Orygen reach more young people


419,799 clinical resources downloaded from Orygen's website


19,243 services provided to young people through our Headspace centres 


56 research projects underway

3,818 young people accessed one of our Headspace centres 

   21 clinical trials 


  1,097 new clients
  entered the Orygen
  Specialist Program