Buy a gift and support a young person who needs your help.

Send a virtual card 


Therapy, counselling and treatment isn't a one size fits all solution - we want to ensure every young person in our care has the ability to reach their full potential by ensuring they can get access to the solutions they need.

Send your loved one a birthday card, a thank you card or another special note and include an important donation to Orygen on their behalf. 

Health and well-being packs

Having good mental health, or being mentally healthy is more than just the absence of illness. It's a state of overall wellbeing and having the ability to cope with things like stress and sadness. You can help young people manage things like stress and sadness by purchasing them a health and well-being pack below. 

Art Therapy Packs 

Art therapy is a specialised area of mental health therapy that uses art materials and the creative process to explore emotions, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and resolve other psychological conflicts. You can help a young person access art therapy through a donation below.

Each gift is a representation of the type of support and items Orygen may provide to young people in our community. Costs are approximate.